The purpose of studying the discipline “Elective Course of the Foreign Language (English) For Medical Purposes” is the formation of English-speaking professionally oriented competence of the future doctor, i.e. mastering the level of knowledge, skills and abilities that will provide the necessary professional communication skills both in oral and written forms.

The task of the discipline is to study, improve and further develop knowledge, skills and abilities in English in various types of professionally oriented speech activities of future medical professionals. The leading task of the discipline is achieved by solving the following step-by-step tasks:

–    to communicate within the areas, topics and situations defined by the current syllabus;

–    to aurally understand the content of authentic professional texts and oral speech of communication partners;

–    to read and understand authentic medical texts of different genres and types;

–    to carry out professional communication in writing in accordance with the given tasks;

–    to adequately use the experience gained in the study of the native language and other subjects, considering it as a means of conscious mastery of English for medical purposes;

–    to use, if necessary, non-verbal means of communication in case of a shortage of available language means;

–    to critically evaluate information and use it for various professionally oriented needs;

–    to express one’s thoughts, feelings and attitudes;

–    to effectively interact with other communication participants orally, in writing and through electronic means of communication;

–    to choose and apply appropriate communication strategies in accordance with different needs and professionally oriented situations;

–    to effectively use educational strategies for independent study of a foreign language (for professional purposes).

Listening. The purpose of listening training is to establish a mechanism for the perception of oral English-speaking professionally oriented information, to form the ability to understand dialogical and monological professional statements and as a result – to master the skills of English communication within professional topics.

Speaking. The student must have the skills of dialogical and monological speech necessary to participate in a conversation of a problematic nature related to professional activities.

Reading. The task is to master and develop the skills of review, informative and in-depth reading on the materials of original professional documentation, scientific literature on the specialty, professional periodicals, etc. Review reading skills should provide the ability to predict the subject of the text by keywords, summarize the obtained information and highlight the main content of the text. Informative-search reading involves the ability to find the necessary information at different levels of text structure (sentence, paragraph, whole text and microtext (newspaper page, magazine, etc.)), follow the development of the topic and highlight information that reveals and clarifies the main provisions of the text.

Writing. The task is to master orthographically and punctuationally correct professionally oriented writing as one of the means of communication.